Clackamas County
is proposing amendments to its Zoning and Development Ordinance (ZDO) that,
if approved, would limit the number of marijuana production licenses
permitted on a tract of land in three specific zoning districts.
The Planning
Commission and Board of County Commissioners will hold public hearings in
November and January to consider the proposed amendments to ZDO 841,
Marijuana Production, Processing, and Retailing.
Commission Public Hearing
Monday, Nov. 26,
2018; 6:30 p.m.
Services Building Auditorium, 150 Beavercreek Road, Oregon City
Board of County
Commissioners Public Hearing
Wednesday, Jan.
16, 2019; 9:30 a.m.
Board Hearing
Room, Public Services Building 4th floor, 2051 Kaen Road, Oregon City
The amendments, if
approved, would limit a tract of land (one or more contiguous lots of
record under the same ownership) in the Ag/Forest (AG/F), Exclusive Farm
Use (EFU) and Timber (TBR) zoning districts to one of two license limit
one premises licensed for marijuana production by the Oregon Liquor Control
Commission (OLCC) or
one medical marijuana grow site registered by the Oregon Health Authority (OHA).
There are no other
substantive amendments to the regulations.
The draft
amendments are available to review online at
or in person at the Planning & Zoning Division, Development Services
Building, 2nd floor, 150 Beavercreek Road, Oregon City.
Members of the
public are also welcome to submit written testimony by US mail, by email or
drop-off at the Planning & Zoning Division to Glen Hamburg, 150
Beavercreek Road, Oregon City, OR, 97045, or
County is committed to providing meaningful access and will make reasonable
accommodations, modifications, or provide translation, interpretation or
other services upon request.
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